Top 5 House Entrance Vastu Tips

There is too much noise and negativity around us in the present first paced likes of our generation. It has turned out to be pretty essential to have a house that doesn't reflect the outside world. It is further essential to have a cosy space sharing positive energy and creating an environment that prospers and calms the habitants of the house. Vastu Shastra refers to ancient practice that is highly impactful in creating an environment in the house. The best part - any modern knowledgeable professional of an interior designing company today will be well versed with vastu Shastra. 

You can consider vastu Shastra to be the combination of science and tradition that has guided and safeguarded multiple homeowners with positive energy in their lives. It is applicable to walls, doors and any false ceiling design as well.  

Your main door refers to the entrance of your house and the opening and pathway into your house. Every person entering the home through the main door creates a new energy at the entrance and it would reflect and have an entire impact on the overall experience of your home. Therefore, it is essential to make sure that the main door and entrance adhere to the Vastu Shastra rules. Even if you want to do a small house interior, you should pay attention to vastu Shastra. 

There are multiple recommendations and suggestions across the nation about vastu Shastra of a house. It has turned out to be pretty challenging to understand and choose who to approach and what to believe. Vastu Shastra refers to a broad subject that comes with a scope of multiple interpretations. Therefore it is essential to know the basics of vastu Shastra so that you do not find it like a mystery when you are discussing your choices with an Interior design consultant. 

Here are the top 5 Vastu Shastra tips for the main entrance of your house:

1.Place Plants At The Main Door

Nature and plants are one of the best ways to lift the spirits of human nature. It is well connected by the main entrance vastu practices too. Plants are one of the best ways to enhance the positive energy of a provided space. Nature transcends itself and brings multiple types of energy and positive Vibes throughout the home. If you have plants near the main door, you can consider it to be a standard advice by all practitioners of vastu shastra. Consult with an interior designing company about the best house plants for your main door. 

2. Direction Of Main Entrance

The direction of the main entrance according to Vastu Shastra needs to be facing Northeast, North, East or west. These directions are selected to be the best directions for main entrances according to vastu Shastra rules. 

The main entrance conveys that the directions we have stated in this article are one of the most positive and auspicious ones because of their daily exposure to the sunlight. Sun refers to the positive kind of energy and having the main door in this direction is the best stimulant of positive vibes in your home. 

3. Elevation In The Floor

The main door of your house needs to have a raised floor. You can keep a door mat according to your choice outside the door which can also work as a replacement of an elevated floor. Consult with the best interior design consultant before you choose the elevation of the floor. 

The main entrance of the house according to Vastu Shastra should have a slightly elevated floor that acts as a wall stopping the negative Vibes and energies. If you keep a door mat in front of the main entrance, it might also be a useful product for your house but it works much more than that. 

Whenever you are dusting your feet on the carpet or rug at the main entrance before entering the home, you are keeping all the negative energy and aura and entering your home with new and fresh energy. 

4. Dimension Of The Main Entrance

The dimension of the main entrance, according to an Interior design company and vastu Shastra rules, needs to be the biggest in the home. It is essential in the main entrance because it brings fortune, good luck, positivity and good health to the whole family. 

You can have a main entrance that is divided into parts and make sure that your door is spacious and far away from corners. Reach out to any interior design consultant to help you with this unique design for the main entrance. 

5. Wooden Door

Lastly, a good quality wooden door is one of the best materials to use for the main entrance. It is because it brings positivity and good luck to the house. 

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