Space Problem? How to decide what to put where!

some steps you can take to help you make those decisions


Start by making a list of the items you need to store, and then prioritize them in order of importance. This will help you determine what you absolutely must keep and what you can live without.


Once you have your prioritized list, categorize your items into groups. For example, you might have a group for clothes, another for books, and another for the electronics.


Measure the space you have available, and then measure the items you want to store. This will help you determine which items will fit in which spaces.

Maximize vertical space:

Don't forget to make use of vertical space by using shelves or stacking storage containers.

Be creative:

Think outside the box and come up with creative solutions for storage. For example, you could use the inside of cabinet doors or the space under your bed.

Evaluate regularly:

Finally, regularly evaluate the items you have stored to make sure you're still using them. If not, consider donating or selling them to make more room for the things you actually use and need.

Identify your priorities:

Make a list of the items you need to store and rank them in order of importance. Consider how often you use each item and how much space it takes up.

Measure the space:

Measure the storage space you have available, and take note of any obstacles or irregularities, such as uneven floors or walls.

Consider storage solutions:

Think about what storage solutions would work best for your space and the items you need to store. For example, if you have a lot of small items, you might want to consider using storage bins or drawers. If you have a lot of clothing, you might want to install a closet organizer.

Create zones:

Divide your storage space into zones based on the types of items you need to store. For example, you might have a zone for tools, a zone for sports equipment, and a zone for seasonal items.

Maximize vertical space:

Consider using vertical space, such as shelves or tall cabinets, to make the most of your storage area.

Use labels:

Label your storage containers, drawers, and shelves to help you quickly find what you need

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